Garegin Protopopov
Conception Go

Human life is like a game, where some pieces are granted freedom of choice, while others follow set rules.
Some are big, others small. Some are dark, others light. Some are faceless or wear masks of indifference, hiding their feelings deeper, while others are not afraid to reveal their authenticity.
Each piece has two sides: one is physical and manifest, the other is energetic and emotional.
At the core of any game is always a human being, the creator of their own fate, with all their expressions, passions, and abilities, which determine their role—whether to lead and control the course of events, or to be led and become a simple pawn.
Each player is like a spider in their web: they follow their strategy on the game board and strive to envelop with their pieces like a web.
Each square is like a step forward, where each piece searches for its place in the sun. Moving to the next square is the very movement towards the goal, and if it is illuminated by the light of the guiding star, it is a sign of the right path.

«Bittersweet: Sweet», oil on canvas, size with frame 60 - 60 cm, 2024 Garegin Protopopov

«Bittersweet: Bitter», oil on canvas, size with frame 60 - 60 cm, 2024 Garegin Protopopov

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